Cloud Migration
and Adoption

Choose the cloud evolution pathway that works best for your goals.
Move to a full modern stack.
Save your nerves.

Migrating to cloud is a matter of when and how, not “if”. At Cloudgeometry,  we help you make the move on your terms, to get the technology integrations that matter and streamline DevOps automation. It's the foundation of any move to cloud: gain new leverage from the business functions you already rely on.

migration risk
With a well-structured cloud readiness roadmap
Deploy Apps,
systems & data
To next-level cloud technologies with no downtime
DevOps automation
Reliable releases unlock cloud platform power & flexibility

How we can help

With Cloud Migration and Adoption Services from CloudGeometry, we takes you through all the key steps for cloud adoption with our unique any-to-any migration open-source automation software, supporting a broad range of workload types, with minimal friction — and without downtime.
This includes:

Replicating all supported workloads so they can be run on a target site as soon as full or incremental replicas are completed.
Programmable, configurable migration settings to help avoid the need for error-prone scripting.
And of course performing an unlimited number of test migrations to configure workload settings
Data science solutions

Key migration & adoption scenarios

When making the move to cloud, you’re faced with a ton of choices. Our certified experts deliver realistic plans and hands-on guidance to help you plan and choose. We provide proven set of analysis, tools, processes and checklists to help you make sure the transition is a success.

Move your business-critical workloads to the cloud without giving up existing databases, applications, and configurations. All you give up is the need to personally manage storage and networking, and you save money while you do it. And all without disrupting your workloads during the shift.

Every cloud platform is different. Take advantage of different APIs and services – and prices! – by adapting your workloads to use the most appropriate public or private cloud environment.

Leverage containerization, serverless computing, and more granular services for improved performance, fault tolerance, and responsiveness.

Transform full-stack business logic and infrastructure into cloud-native microservices to achieve scalability, resilience, and accelerated development cycles.
Optimize for Kubernetes versatility and GitOps efficiency, ensuring high availability and robustness while enhancing agility and cost efficiency for business-critical workloads.
Choose among cloud-agnostic open source tooling and streamlined CI/CD release flows.

Migration Methods & Strategies

Every company has its own mix of customers, workforce, industry, and business models. We know there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to your unique platform and operations portfolio, so CloudGeometry  uses our skills and experience to fit your goals, for both near term tactics and long term strategy.


Cloud Adoption

As one of only a few AWS SaaS Competency & Advanced Consulting partners, CloudGeometry offers end-to-end migration services At many wherever you are in your cloud Journey.
AWS is available to help partner with us to co-fund these efforts, to jumpstart your move to reduce costs, to boost staff productivity, improve operational resilience and increase business agility.


Assess your existing resources and build a right-sized upgrade plan based on the proven best practices of the AWS Well Architected Framework.

Technical Analysis & Planning

Expose interdependencies between applications by automatically collecting detailed information about resource utilization for more informed decisions at each step.

Hands-on Skills & Experience

AWS Certified experts from CloudGeometry accompany your team throughout the process, with white-glove hands-on execution, every step to ensure success, backed by a range of specialized managed services to unlock even more value.

Implementation & Deployment

Proven tools for application discovery, migration workflow and dashboard, management and governance changes, security profile & configuration rationalization.

Ask about a free technical risk assessment or Eligibility for AWS Migration cofunding Support


Jump Start Data Center Transition

For maximum versatility and rapid introduction of cloud technlogies into your IT and business platform porfilo, consider Hystax Acura. You’re free to choose which cloud platform to move to. Live migration can be done from any source cloud platform or physical machine.
Any-to-any or many-to-many


Programmable, configurable migration settings help avoid the need for error-prone scripting. Direct control in a cloud migration console using predefined settings or by your own migration plans.

Reliable & fail-safe

An unlimited number of test migrations, fully managed migration process, orchestrated launch and predictable cutover enable a predictable & straightforward  process.


Fully isolated and runs only on your environment, with no dependencies on any resources that you do not own.

Quick & cost-efficient

Cut down project timelines drastically, from months to weeks or even days, keeping the total costs of migration reasonable.

Connect the dots with CloudGeometry.